Honey and sport - part 2
Honey and sport - part 2
Honey is used by athletes all the time. For instance Killian Jornet is one of the best runners in the world winning Hardrock very recently and he tweeted on his account that he hasn’t had a sponsor for gels and that he has recently found a sponsorship with Maurten.
Maurten is known for their gels to have minimal ingredients and no preservatives; they claim to be all natural; one of their ingredients has glucose which is also found in honey.
However there are other bands who just use honey as their main ingredient like Honey Stinger. Their original and most known product is their honey waffles that many athletes like to eat on the go, it also doesn’t hurt that they taste good.
So most brands are familiar with the base ingredients that honey also has or they just use honey.
Runners are particularly known to use energy gels as they have to transport their nutrition because of their sport so easy to carry and digest energy boosts are favored heavily. Runners also need a certain amount of carbohydrates, caffeine, electrolytes while running marathons so a gel is the easiest way to get all of that in efficiently and fairly often honey is a main ingredient, some runners even just take packets of honey. As a result honey gained itself a big name in the athletic community and many people who aren’t professionals, more of enthusiasts tend to take after pro athletes habits.
Topanga Quality Honey