Honey and sport - part 1
Honey and sport
Athletes are always at the top of their games, they have to be otherwise they wouldn’t get far in any sport.
They always have to have their health on their mind so things like their diet is important especially while playing the sport.
For example if the athlete is a tennis player they would have time to re-energize during their match as they have a rule during a set they switch sides every odd number. Everytime they switch sides however they get a little break in which they can sit down, drink water, bandage an injury, or eat something. So if for some reason the athlete feels tired they can eat an energy bar or perhaps honey.
Honey is a source of glucose which in other words is basically instant energy, now athletes can achieve instant energy without honey however there are drawbacks. Eating other foods might give them the energy they need, but it also has its disadvantages such as, eating a protein bar is fine, but the breaks are quick, you start to feel heavy and chewing can be time consuming when you need to do other things like drinking water and eating candy isn’t an option either because while it is instant energy it doesn't mean it’s long lasting, athletes will most likely start crashing during their matches if they eat that.
Therefore honey would be the best option, it’s liquid so it solves the chewing problem, it’s light which solves the feeling heavy problem, and the energy lasts a while and doesn’t make you crash. All in all, eating honey seems like the better deal.
Topanga Quality Honey.