Honey!? Not all carbs are created equal

Honey!? Not all carbs are created equal

Hello, our best friends! Let's talk about honey and sugar))

The majority of sugar intake is harmful to the body in many ways as it can affect your cholesterol, it can cause acne, it can lead to heart disease and throughout many studies they suggest other forms of sugar intake: like honey.

Honey (especially raw, unfiltered honey) is a natural sweetener and in fact is more energizing than sugar because while sugar is very effective to bring about energy, it isn’t sustainable.

In fact it’s rather frowned upon mainly in sports as it can lead to what’s called a sugar crash. Sugar crashes typically have the symptoms of lethargicness, discomfort, anxiety and even hunger. Furthermore most athletes try to find a more reliable energy source like energy bars, electrolytes, but honey is by far the most effective way to sustain energy without feeling heavy.

However there are health repercussions if sugar is not monitored carefully, the most common repercussion being high cholesterol. Which if you didn’t know doesn’t present any symptoms and for the most part if actions are taken to prevent it, it won’t lead too much, if left unchecked however it typically can lead to a heart attack or even a stroke.

In general more than half of American adults have high cholesterol and most of that is because of poor diet choices. That is only one example though there are many other problems that occur due to our sugar intake, but nonetheless most people nowadays are using natural ways to be healthier, and through that they thrive.

Topanga Quality Honey.

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